Monday, September 20, 2010


You would think that after all of these years, I would learn to expect that things don't ever go exactly as planned. Probably because I am such a planner. That's just the way things work.
I have had all of this energy lately and have been nesting up a storm. On Friday afternoon, I did a big grocery order and found a bunch of recipes that I could make ahead and then freeze to use for when the baby is here. Doug was working on Friday night so I decided to surprise him with a nice breakfast for Saturday morning. I was in my own little world, baking and cooking away, when I felt a gush of water all of the sudden. SERIOUSLY?!?!??!!!!! My water had broken and I was only 30 weeks and 1 day along. I called the Dr and they said I needed to get to the hospital right away. I felt perfectly fine (no contractions or pain) and since Doug was working 20 minutes away, I decided I would just meet him at the hospital rather than wait for him to pick me up. (Our hospital is 25 minutes away from our house as it is) So, after a bunch of very uncomfortable exams and HUNDREDS of questions, they confirmed that my water did break and I would be spending the remainder of my pregnancy on bed rest.
So, here I sit.....waiting.
The plan is to try and stay pregnant for as long as possible without any infection setting in. Unfortunately, there is absolutely NOTHING I can do to control this, which totally stinks! I have been on antibiotics and so far no signs of infection. I also received 2 steroid shots (in the butt-talk about fun!) to help develop the baby's lungs. So, best case scenario is that I stay pregnant until I hit 34 weeks (October 14) and then they induce me. The Doctor's look at the risk of infection vs. the risk of complications from pre-term labor. Right now, the pre-term labor complications are much higher than infection. Once I hit 34 weeks, it flip-flops. So, we are really praying that this little one stays put until October 14.
Even with the best case scenario, the baby will be in the NICU. That is the hardest part of all of this. Trying to mentally prepare yourself to see this perfect little baby all hooked up to machines and breathing tubes and I.V.'s is so hard!
I just keep telling myself that God already knows everything about this angel and there is nothing I can do to change what is in his plans. So, I'm trying to trust that all will work out and stay as calm as possible.
Looks like I will be doing A LOT of reading over the next several weeks. Maybe I'll learn how to crochet? Why not...I certainly have the time.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pregnancy Photo Shoot

Just a few of the phenomenal photos that our friend, Suzanne, offered to take for us. She is so talented and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. Check out her work at