Friday, January 30, 2009

When one door closes.....look for the open window

The beginning of 2009 certainly did not go as planned for the Shades. Doug was laid off from his company (residential home builder) at the beginning of December. We weren't too worried and were looking at this as an opportunity for him to do something he really loves. Maybe go back to school? Well, the Monday after New Years, I was told that I was being laid off as well. We knew our department was not in the best of shape but I was not expecting it to affect me. So, here we are, both unemployed and trying REALLY hard not to freak out! The first 2 weeks was really hard. Lots of tears and wondering how we were going to accomplish our goals. And hit me. When your only door is closed (our closed twice in our case), you have to look at other ways of getting in. Maybe the path you are currently pursuing is not the path you are meant to go down. As I was talking with my Mom and Doug, I started thinking about College and my degree. Why wasn't I teaching? Obviously, it's not as easy as just walking in and taking the teaching job of your choice. There is much more that goes into it. Like....waiting for someone to retire. Which is exactly what I was doing. Waiting. But....what if I need to go after it a bit more? That's where the oh-so-lovely Substitute Teaching comes into play. The dreaded Sub. First, it's not much money AT ALL! Second, KARMA!!! I was HORRIBLE to my subs in HS...I can only imagine that I will get it back just as bad as I gave it. But, the positive aspect is that it will get my foot into the door and give me the exposure that I need. It's competitive out there and doing something I do not enjoy and just waiting for a teaching job to magically open is not ideal. I have to go after the things that I want in life! (Do you like my little motivational speech?) ;)
So....I am learning that sometimes it takes a MAJOR life change in order for you to realize that the path you are on is not the best one for you.
I just finished up the last of my teaching clearances and am in the process of putting together my substitute packets for the local school districts. I do not doubt that I will have steady work. Will I love it everyday...probably not. But, at least it will lead me towards something I am truly passionate about.
As for Doug---He's still looking. He has had several job offers, but nothing he could see himself doing forever. Nothing he has a genuine passion for.
Through all of these hard times, we are learning to be so grateful for all that we do have in life. There are so many families out there losing their homes and not knowing how they are going to pay their bills. We are very fortunate and even though life will not be as glamorous for us for a little while, we still have our family, health and each other! is good!

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